How it Works

1) Creating a new organization

When you first sign up to create a new eWOF account, you will first need to enter in all of your Organizations details, such as business name, address, email, phone and so on.

2) Invite Members to your Organization

If you have multiple WOF inspectors or you would like your office people to be able to view, email, and create estimates from your eWOF’s then these instructions will show you how to invite your team members to create a new user under your business name. This should only be used for your internal team members.

3) Customer and Vehicle Details

You have the option to quickly enter vehicle and customer details by simply taking a photo of the registration or, for customer information if you have it available the data can be extracted by taking a photo.

4) How to perform an inspection

This PDF and Video walk through the process of doing an eWOF inspection. It shows you a basic example of doing an eWOF. We suggest that to get started and to build your confidence you do an eWOF alongside you paper-based checksheet, and when you are confident, switch fully to eWOF.

5) Submitting a WOF

This PDF and Video show you the eWOF information that you enter into the NZTA WOF Portal.

6) Send Email of Wof to Customer

This PDF and Video show you how you can use the Estimator system to email your WOF results directly to your customers via eWOF Pass and eWOF fail templates.

7) Taking Photos

This PDF and Video will show you how to use the eWOF system to take photos of WOF issues and where to find them. Great for NZTA audits and showing your customers the actual WOF issues.

8) Draft WOF’s

If you start a eWOF and then get distracted or have to stop it, then this PDF and Video will show you how to resume the eWOF.

9) Rechecks

This PDF and Video, show you the process of doing eWOF Rechecks. You can search by rego for the recheck. The system will also show you rechecks due for the past 28 days.

10) Create and email Estimate

You get a free trial of the instant WOF Repair Estimator system. This will need some customization to work correctly / accurately for your business and we can help you with the initial setup.

11) Update Organization and User Settings.

These instructions will walk you through the process of updating the settings for your eWOF accounts.